Why Classical Christian?

Charleston Classical School is a classical Christian school. By "classical," we mean that students will focus on learning classical content that empower them to think logically and independently. It also  means students will be taught by classical methods. Teachers will focus on foundational skills. Those skills will become tools of learning. Students can then become curious lifelong learners who recognize and love Truth, Goodness, and Beauty. Classical studies help students learn and live the virtuous life.

By "Christian," we do not simply mean that there will be Bible lessons, although Bible instruction will be included in a CCS education. Rather, because the primary purpose of education is moral formation, the school's entire culture and curriculum will integrate Christian thinking. This helps students understand both WHO they are, as well as WHY they exist. The result? They can love God and their neighbor well. We pray that they will grow in wisdom and stature as well as choose to love God with all their mind, soul, heart, and strength and to love their neighbors as themselves.

¿Por qué Cristiana Clásica?

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